- Buy a pup
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Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
buy a pup — To be swindled • • • Main Entry: ↑pup * * * buy a pup see ↑pup • • • Main Entry: ↑buy … Useful english dictionary
buy a pup — ► sell (or buy) a pup Brit. informal swindle (or be swindled) by selling (or buying) something worthless. Main Entry: ↑pup … English terms dictionary
buy a pup — Be swindled … A concise dictionary of English slang
sell buy a pup — sell sb/buy a pup f3 idiom (old fashioned, BrE, informal) to sell sb or be sold sth that has no value or is worth much less than the price paid Main entry: ↑pupidiom … Useful english dictionary
buy/sell a pup — Brit informal + old fashioned ◇ To buy a pup means to pay too much money for something or to buy something that is worthless. To sell (someone) a pup means to trick someone into paying too much for something or into buying something that is… … Useful english dictionary
pup — [pʌp] n [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: puppy] 1.) a young dog = ↑puppy ▪ a spaniel pup ▪ a litter of pups (=several pups born to the same mother at the same time) 2.) a young ↑seal or ↑otter … Dictionary of contemporary English
pup — ► NOUN 1) a young dog. 2) a young wolf, seal, rat, or other mammal. 3) dated, chiefly Brit. a cheeky or arrogant boy or young man. ► VERB (pupped, pupping) ▪ give birth to a pup or pups. ● … English terms dictionary
Buy — To purchase an asset; taking a long position. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. buy buy 1 [baɪ] verb bought PTandPP [bɔt ǁ bɒːt] [transitive] 1 … Financial and business terms
buy — To purchase an asset; taking a long position. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary bid (or buy) An offer to buy a specific quantity of a commodity at a stated price. The price that the market participants are willing to pay. Chicago Mercantile Exchange … Financial and business terms
sell a pup — ► sell (or buy) a pup Brit. informal swindle (or be swindled) by selling (or buying) something worthless. Main Entry: ↑pup … English terms dictionary
sell someone a pup — I sell someone (or buy) a pup Brit., informal swindle someone (or be swindled), esp. by selling (or buying) something worthless II see pup … Useful english dictionary